By Greg Seaver

Unwanted, Dead or Alive?


Unwanted, Dead or Alive is a memoir that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns. Hang on tight unto the end to see if Greg ever finds out if he is dead or alive.

“Greg’s a gifted writer with fluid prose and insightful observations, using his personal interactions to illuminate the long and narrow road that leads to disappointment, and despair as each chapter grips your interest in a fascinating self-journey of discovery—you can’t wait for the next chapter to unfold —this unwanted book is going to have a profound following!”
– Dr Ronald E. Frazier, ThD.

  “As an avid reader, I am always in search of books that encourage me with truth and are backed by God’s Word. Greg Seaver’s book does just that! Greg’s brutal honesty describes a road many of  us have traveled but are ashamed to discuss. Greg explains how he believed many lies about his identity, resulting in him living a lifestyle contrary to God’s intended purpose for his life. Greg does an excellent job detailing how God was able and more than willing to change not only his lifestyle but his understanding of his true identity as a beloved child of God. Greg’s writing style will easily capture your attention at the very beginning of the book, making it difficult to put down. He also does a wonderful job supporting the truth God gave him about his true identity with Scripture. Greg’s writing clearly shows the point in his life he fully surrendered to God and the wonderful way his life quickly transformed after he gave God full control. If you have ever struggled with feeling unwanted, ashamed, or confused, I would highly recommend the book.”
– Kathryn Anderson


Greg Seaver

Greg Seaver is an author, speaker, and a singer-songwriter. In 2023, he and his wife Cindy founded Unwanted Harvest. Their ministry focuses on reaching outcasts with the hope of freedom found in Jesus.


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